Saturday, 26 November 2011

A Sock Monkey's Life for me...

Ok so I have gone full pelt into making sock monkeys again as I am doing a local Christmas fair on the 2nd of Decemeber to make a little money. I have also undertaken a small commission of stripy & blue monkeys. So far I have completed another 5 including the commission. I have stuffed a further 3 today to stitch up in front of the TV tonight.

Hopefully these will go down a treat as presents!

My experiments this month have been to try and make a couple of 'ugly dolls' out of odd baby socks given to me by a college and to make a wolf for my brother's birthday... so far it looks more like a donkey than a wolf to me, any suggestion on how to make the mouth look better? Oh and the stitching on the side is a start on defining arms at its side. Hopefully my next post I will have the completed it!

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