Saturday, 2 August 2014

Are you a Crafty Forager?

Last Christmas I carefully collected as many pieces of gold ribbon as I could off the table after the cracker bonanza. I was asked what I planned to do with it... well i didn't know but why let good ribbon just go in the bin? Surely it will come in handy? I mean doesn't everyone have a jam jar or two of ribbons? Oh just me then!?

This got me thinking about foraging crafting bits and pieces. I carefully remove all the ribbon from clothes I buy, from gifts, wrapped stuff etc... I keep hold of broken beaded jewelery, old jeans and coloured paper envelopes.

What do you guys keep hold of? Or smuggle away so no one knows your hoarding?

I used the gold ribbon to tie up these glass purple pinecone decorations my mum gave me.
See it did come in handy!